The Morning Mark - Try Using LinkedIn Stories for a Better Connection • Social Media Management Software

The Morning Mark – Try Using LinkedIn Stories for a Better Connection

The Morning Mark – Try Using LinkedIn Stories for a Better Connection


Try Using LinkedIn Stories for a Better Connection

If you’ve been dragging your feet on producing stories for social media, here’s another reason to get started. Now you can post stories on LinkedIn that last 24 hours.

LinkedIn Stories will let you share images and short videos of professional moments. This will really help cement the meaningful relationships with your professional community that you began with regular posting.


Get ready.

You can only post a Story from the LinkedIn mobile app, so be sure to use the most recent version.


Watch others.

What do stories look like on a platform known for its professional flavor? LinkedIn is different. What works on Instagram and works pretty well on Facebook, may not work at all on LinkedIn.

See how others have managed to make their story ideas fit the unique personality of LinkedIn. This is not to say you can’t use the same ideas or content, but you may need to change it up a bit.


Get some type of plan for your business stories.


Get started.

For ease, start with adding images as stories and move to video.

Keep this tip in mind:
You are sharing in the moment – not posting permanently to your feed. So stories are great for things like:

  • Sharing a timely expert tip
  • Sharing news and announcements
  • Sharing updates to posts
  • A typical professional moment in your organization
  • Having a little fun


Stories, and videos in general, aren’t going away. They produce three to four times the results that regular posts due, so no time like the present to start adding them to your social playbook.

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Small Biz Brands helps small biz owners succeed with a social media app that cuts posting time in half while increasing results. We create marketing strategy and provide consulting services for clients.

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