Good Morning! Do you have one minute to read and one hour to do? If so, you can improve your small business’ marketing in a big way. Each week, we will provide new ideas. Grab your morning beverage and let’s get started!
Instagram is the most like a magazine of all the social platforms. It is known for the quality of its photographs and the overall look of its posting grid. Let’s take a look at your Instagram page grid and give it an honest review. Is it “magazine quality”?
Step One: Do the photos appear to be of good quality? Your target audience will see these photos as a surrogate for your product quality. Make sure they’re up to the job.
Step Two: Do the photos look good together? Or does it look busy or overwhelming when viewed all together? If so, going forward, consider choosing future photos with an eye towards how they will look in the grid.
Step Three: Try adding a branded post now and then to break up the posts. This can be a quote or an infographic, done in your brand colors. Try Canvas to create these without having graphic design training.
Step Four: Try imagining an ideal grid for your business and what it would take to get there. Does it revolve around photos with certain colors, or cartoons, or people, or a certain mood — the list goes on. Start “qualifying” posts before you use them to make sure they enhance the appearance of your ideal grid. Kat Caroy is an expert on this subject if you want to learn more.
Step Five: It may sound like more work to keep your Instagram aesthetic always in mind when you are posting, but remember, less can be more. Fewer high quality posts that look incredible and that you are proud of are better than the opposite.
Try this approach for a month and see if you don’t start getting positive feedback about your Instagram “aesthetic”. Also, when potential new followers view your profile, they will see your overall awesome look, leading to more followers.
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Instagram, Digital Marketing, Instagram Tips, social media, Easy, Keep Marketing Simple